lørdag 24. november 2012

Reflection Cubism

This unit we have worked on cubism, which is an very interesting part of the visual arts. When we first started I really couldn't understand how people did it, but now I feel that I understand it quite a bit more. In the unit we have done quite much work and I have two finished pieces of work. I feel both are quite successful an both have different planes, but it's more visible in one picture than the other. In one i used chalk and in the other I used pencils and pens.
I learned a lot about different type of drawing openminded and from different point of views.

One of my finished pieces of work.


torsdag 22. november 2012

Comparing Cubism

Hi! I decided that I want to compare my picture with this similar picture that I posted in my last blog entry. My picture is as i mentioned quite different, but i feel it has some of the same idea. And the artist of the comparing picture is Jennifer Maughan.

Both pictures are quite open minded, you just see what you want to see. In mine there's some colors  and some black/white, and in Jennifer's picture there is mostly black/grey-ish and some elements of red and yellow. Both pictures has got multiple viewpoints as I see it, but that's my p.o.v.

My picture is about being yourself, I see so many girls these days that wear the exact same clothing, hair, make-up etc. and I'm jealous of the people who can be themselves. That is also something that I miss in myself as a person. In Jennifer's picture I see kinda the same theme, but her's is more about bullying.

mandag 5. november 2012


Last art lesson we started on our cubism art. I actually had no clue what I wanted to do, so I ended up drawing in blck/white with ''lines'' and ''waves''. I also chose to include some color to represent to be different. I'm not quite shure of what I think about it, still it's inspired by my old life, where I was bullied because I was different and too colorful. I feel that this unit is quite hard actually, just to get your head around the whole ''cubism'', but I think it's fun and I enjoy experimenting with it.

I'm inspired by this picture by Jennifer Maughan, mine is quite different, but I feel that it's still kinda the same! 


onsdag 26. september 2012

Icon Reflection

This unit we've been working om drawing icons. I chose Cher Lloyd, mostly because she's the kind of artist i want to be one day. The Unit itself I really liked, it was very free for us to choose what we wanted to draw, as lond as it was a person. I believe that the gris method is a perfect way of getting accurate drawings, even though I didn't use my time as effective as I should've. I'm actually extremely happy with the result of my drawing.

This is my Icon - Cher Lloyd
