Hi! I decided that I want to compare my picture with this similar picture that I posted in my last blog entry. My picture is as i mentioned quite different, but i feel it has some of the same idea. And the artist of the comparing picture is Jennifer Maughan.
Both pictures are quite open minded, you just see what you want to see. In mine there's some colors and some black/white, and in Jennifer's picture there is mostly black/grey-ish and some elements of red and yellow. Both pictures has got multiple viewpoints as I see it, but that's my p.o.v.
My picture is about being yourself, I see so many girls these days that wear the exact same clothing, hair, make-up etc. and I'm jealous of the people who can be themselves. That is also something that I miss in myself as a person. In Jennifer's picture I see kinda the same theme, but her's is more about bullying.
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